Monday, October 19, 2009

October 19, 2009

After today's discussion, what thoughts or ideas do you have about leading change towards transformative learning?


  1. I enjoyed the videos and the "Big Picture" instructional ideas.

  2. I enjoyed having the opportunity to see a snap shot of a school providing Transformative Learning. Moving towards TL it's important to assess the groups readiness. For me at my school it's baby steps.

  3. Thank you - this truly is professional development - tools, ideas, discussion with colleagues, food for thought, and a model which I can then utilize and share with staff and parents in meaningful discussions and professional development


  4. As with all have to approach it slowly. My first step is bringing some of this information to the Leadership Team. Watching the videos certainly is motivating.

  5. The Big Picture discussion our group had highlighted where we are as a district and the importance of involving and educating our various parent communities. Why do we need to do anything different, our students perform at the top, it must be working. The video focusing on counting the basketball passes made me aware of what you can miss if you are to focused on one thing.

  6. It's great having more resources and videos to share. I also enjoy listening to other principals share their thoughts and ideas. I plan to continue to have discussions during staff meetings and parent group meetings. I'll start with having each group read an article and watching a video to set the tone and offer an essential question to start the discussion.

  7. The Big Picture School's emphasis on reasoning and communication skills, while providing meaningful opportunities for learning, speaks to me. The individualization of classroom material is a needed aspect of teaching our special needs students. I will look for ways to incorporate these components of TL into our classrooms.
