Sunday, September 20, 2009

September 21, 2009

Thank you for your participation today.  Please post your thoughts on the action item you chose to implement at your school site. Why did you choose this action item? How will you implement it? What support or resources might you need to help with implementation?


  1. encourage conversations with the Leadership Team about problem based learning.

  2. My action item is very share some information about the 21st century learner with my staff. While middle schools have been heavily involved in 21st century learning for at least a year, this idea is new for my staff.

  3. Today was exceptional and very powerful - thank you to Instruction and to all who brought us to today. I am very excited to move forward with my staff and provide the opportunity to learn with me and reflect on how we can move Regnart into a 21st Century School. The opportunity to work professionally with colleagues is so important and I felt I learned so much more working as we did today. I hope my staff will enjoy the journey as much as I am! Lorrie

  4. I appreciated the time spent with colleagues to look at what is out there. Getting away from the site and having time to devote to our own professional growth is much appreciated.

  5. I'm exciting to see the directions are schools can go with the whole concept of 21st Century Learner for students and teachers. I would like to take some time to read all of the information available on 21st century learner.

  6. Open the discussion of 21st century teaching and student learning with the Leadership Team. What does that looks like, where are we at, and how do we begin to move in that direction?

  7. There needs to be time for some backwards planning. In order to move forward thoughtfully, I would suggest time for like schools to plan. There are pockets of this to make it a common practice at all school, creating opportunities for innovation and excitement in every class, for every student.

  8. I plan to infuse major tenants of the 21st Century Learning in my Board meetings and and presentations. It will hopefully help prepare teachers to help students for the challenging and ever changing future.

  9. I really enjoyed using my computer and some of the tools that we want students and teachers to learn to use. I really need time to explore these tools more. Great lesson!

  10. One crucial issue keeps coming up for me. We need a systemic parent education component as part of this reform effort.

  11. We will continue to give "tech phobic" teachers opportunities to explore various tech resources and tools, such as, "Skype," "Wordle," "California Streaming," etc. We will use the technology savy teachers to support training and provide role models for lessons.
    We will use the presentation units to infuse more technology to lessons.

  12. It was a wonderful opportunity to sit down with other administrators from various sites to discuss 21st Century ideas. At Miller we plan continue to develop our 21st Century Learning group to help infuse this throughout the entire site. Here is a link to Education Leadership magazine that focuses on Teaching for the 21st Century:


  13. I have started a discussion with parents and teachers. I will continue the discussion at staff meetings/learning days, and during parent group meetings throughout the year. I showed the video: Did You Know? to the parents at our back to school night to start the discussion. I showed the video 21st century schools to the staff at our August staff meeting.

  14. Explore 21st Century Learning with staff. Integrate use of roving iBook labs and thinking strategies with project based learning.

    Good start at using Management meetings for instructional purposes. Enjoyed the morning.

  15. My next steps are to continue the discussion and keep the resources out there for the teachers -- -- my goal is to "loosen the reins" and so that teachers internalize their ability to experiment -- and become excited about 21st Century Learning. 21st Century Learning is not "new" -- we reflect back to the Whole Child ideology -- the difference is that we embrace students as directors of their learning, and teachers as facilitators, rather than the "sage on the stage." There is much room for growth and optimism.

  16. Our staff and Leadership Team will be designing professional development opportunities around this learning model. Additionally, I have created a seperate Technology Committee to look at the technology tools we have and how we can expand to meet the changing needs as we shift our instructional practices. Thank you for the home page idea. I like the flow of this morning and feel it is an excellent model for schools to utilize. District level collaboration and guideance will support our individual school growth.

  17. Working in small groups and the time to share and collaborate is meaningful. We need time as school leaders to backwards plan our district move in this direction and how we can move our schools forward.
    I'd agree, there are pockets of this everywhere...but how to make it the norm and not the exception.
